Whinge of the Week: Elephant.co.uk - bad experience

I was recently in an RTA. I've only once before been in a car accident but this time my car was quite badly damaged and the damage was judged to be "borderline". This means that the cost of fixing the car is in the same region as the car value. In this case a decision has to be made on whether the car will be fixed and this is done by "elephant.co.uk engineers" viewing the damage either via video link (yeah, right!) or, as I was told, digital images (much more likely). Once this has been done the insurance agency will make a decision on whether the car is written-off / a total loss. If it is written-off / a total loss then your car won't be fixed and the insurance agency will make you an offer for your car. So, in effect the insurance agency is buying the car off you.


XBox 360 Power supply interfering with WIFI

Update: My post on the XBox360 forum was removed - looks like they are trying to hide the fact that it really is a problem My fantastic girlfriend bought me an XBox 360 for Christmas. I got a real bee in my bonet about a 360 ever since I saw the trailers and read the reviews for Gears of War. I did consider hanging on for a PS3 but just could stop myself from dropping hints about a 360 for Christmas. Anyhoooo, I do love my 360 but I've noticed that it badly interferes with my wireless network *. So, I've made a post about the power supply causing wireless interference over on the XBox forums to see if anybody else has had a similar problem. I'd really like confirmation that it is the massive power supply that's the issue. Oh, and I've also already had to have the hard disk replaced because it was corrupt. I just ain't the luckiest! * Setting up the network in the first place certainly wasn't a piece of cake. I'm not using the MIMO technology that I actually bought all the Netgear products for because with the Auto 108 option set in the router config the CPUs on both my desktop and laptop go crazy. This is obvoiusly something to do with the netgear drivers but after hours of messing I finally had to set the router to Channel 7 and G-only to get a steady connection that didn't fry the CPUs of my machines.


Where has Phobos7 gone?

The old blog is still over @ http://www.phobos7.co.uk but I've decided to start a new one here on my wonderful new domain. I've been after a Leggetter domain for ages but Andrew managed to snap them all up way before I even thought about registering one.


A Career Using JavaScript

Since most of the hits to my site will probably be following a search for either "Leggetter" or "JavaScript" I thought that I had best post something about the latter of these topics. My knowledge of JavaScript has been gained by working for companies that have used Web Technologies in their products. My first job was in London back in 2001 and at this time I would guess that JavaScript would not have been classed as a mainstream programming language. I guess that many would still not think of it as mainstream but it certainly has become more prominent with the use of AJAX. Its common uses back in 2001 would have been to create rollover effects or dynamically write page content on the client-side usingdocument.write. However, the company that I worked for used it as a main language to develop a product to deliver real-time financial data in a browser to the PC desktop. So, over my two years at this company my knowledge of this language grew considerably. As well as using JavaScript to develop my employers products I used it in developing my own small web applications, web sites and small to medium bits of functionality for friends sites or web applications. I also used to contribute to "comp.lang.javascript" and a few forums but as the popularity of the language increased as did the number of people who wanted to ask and solve JavaScript questions. Also, as the number of JavaScript users increased the number of simply solved questions were asked. It became a challange in itself to find that challanging DHTML/JavaScript question. With the JavaScript community getting so crowded I decided to leave the newsgroups and forums to those with a bit more spare time. Even though I had decided to leave the forums alone it did not mean that I left JavaScriptalone. Indeed I made a move north to Scotland to work for a small company that used JavaScript and DHTML to deliver simulations of a variety of real life applications. These simulation ran purely in a browser and used a very clever combination of JavaScript, HTML, DTHML and Java to deliver high quality simulation products to large financial service companies. Whilst at this company my knowledge of cross-browser compatibility issues increased considerably. Two years on I made the decision to make a move to a company that did not use JavaScript as its primary development language. At the very same time as I had made my decision to move on the idea of AJAX came about and JavaScript took another leap in popularity. Whether or not its popularity will mean that my current company come up with more ideas on how to use JavaScript in the same guise as Google Maps is yet to be seen. So, what is the point in this post? Well, I suppose it has turned into a mini career biography and also has proven that a career in Software Engineering can be acheived using JavaScript as a primary language - although it has to be said that I was quite lucky that my first two companies were so specialised in its use. I guess the point is also to highlight that I'm very experienced in the use of this language so if anybody has any questions about a piece of JavaScript code, a "How To" question or a piece of contract work that they need an experienced JavaScript/DHTML developer to take on they should get in touch with me. A final note that I would like to make is that during my career I have gained experience in a variety of other languages as well as general software engineering skills. The languages that I now consider myself very capable of using are: JavaScript DHTML SQL C# Java PHP VBScript