The Real-Time Web World Cup Experience

A number big players have come up with pages or applications in an attempt to draw World Cup fans into either combining using a laptop whilst watching the live games on television or using the application as their main view into the World Cu...


Chrome/Safari (webkit) + real-time push = always loading indicator

With real-time push becoming mainstream more and more developers are going to start adding real-time push to their website. One minor user experience hurdle still to be fully solved for webkit based browsers is the "always loading indicator" which can appear if a streaming connection has been established to a push server or service. This indicator appears due to the streaming connection that has been established between JavaScript in the web browser, using an XMLHttpRequest object, where you are effectively continually loading, or waiting, for content from the push server.


Kwwika Silverlight API - Chat Example

This video shows a chat application built using the Kwwika JavaScript API and a chat application built using the Kwwika Silverlight API. Both applications can communicate with each other in real-time using the Kwwika service.We'll releas...


Kwwika Silverlight API - Chat Example

This video shows a chat application built using the Kwwika JavaScript API and a chat application built using the Kwwika Silverlight API. Both applications can communicate with each other in real-time using the Kwwika service. We'll release the source code for both applications in the very near future. </param></param></param></embed>


Anybody fancy a real-time web workshop?

What? I'm doing a real-time web workshop on May 16 for the SPA 2010 Conference and I'd like to do a trial run with a group of around eight people to get feedback and refine it some more. Details about the workshop can be found here: In the workshop we'll discuss the real-time web and the enabling technologies, highlight the comet/server push technologies that are presently available, and use the Kwwika service to show how to: Add real-time data to any web page Create a better real-time search results page Add real-time publishing from a web page Create a real-time collaboration and communication example If there is sufficient interest I'll try and sort out a venue next week. The workshop will probably take around 3.5 hours so I'll need to sort out times once I get an idea of interest. I'll try to keep the presentation side of things to a minimum and concerntrate on discussion and development exercises. For this we'll need internet access and a computer for development. It may also be a good idea to pair during the exercises. Where? Edinburgh or Dundee during the week beginning Monday 10 May 2010. Anyway, please give me a shout if you are interested. Or if you would be interested but don't have that much time to spare maybe we can do a shortened version. [email protected]


#LeadersDebate demo retrospective

Following on from the first #LeadersDebate demo blog post we thought it would be good to look back on how we built the demo, how it performed on the two debate evenings and determine what worked and what did not.   We'd hoped to be able to ...


A Real-Time Web business by-product example

Ian Sanders recently posted a great thought provoking blog article about business by-products. I won't go into detail, Ian's post does that, but it's basically about finding value in things that aren't your key business focus but what you just have to do, day to day, in order to run your business or do your job. I've just this minute finished a Skype chat with a work colleague. As I was having the chat I realised that the conversation we were having had real value. It was a really good question to be asking and that if I didn't record this conversation now that I'd probably lose it and the potential value would be lost.