XMPP PubSub or PubSubHubbub for real-time server push?

In case you hadn't noticed, when I'm not getting hit by flying trout, I like to think of myself as a bit of a real-time web guy. However, there's one thing I'd like clarification on, and I'm confident somebody will be able to shed some light on this: What are the differences between XMPP PubSub and PubSubHubbub and in what situations should each be used?</p>


Client Push Services Open Up Real-Time to Everyone

The number of services offering real-time APIs is slowly but surely expanding and it looks like we're going to have to add quite a few more. Since the start of the year a new type of service has started to appear--client push services, which help developers include real-time updates in their web apps.


Bookmarking sections of podcasts

Just listening to the Social Media White Noise podcast and really enjoying it.  I got distracted by something else and then tuned back into the podcast. They were talking about taking digital media consumption away from the co...


Google realtime search isn't real-time

Google have released a real-time search site aimed at showing search results as it happens. The disappointing thing is that although I'm sure that the results are instantly updated on the server they are not instantly updated in the web...


Real-time News Reader Shows Off Push-to-Browser

With the real-time web being claimed by some to be one of the core components of Web 3.0 it's unsurprising that we are seeing more real-time APIs and real-time mashups being developed. One mashup has just been created using Kwwika and Superfeedr to demonstrate how two real-time platforms can be integrated to create a real-time news reader application.


Geo Grandfather ESRI Makes Strides on the Web

Most of the time we write about mapping, it admittedly includes Google Maps (we list over 2000 Google Maps mashups). However, ESRI, the biggest supplier of geographic tools for the enterprise, has made huge strides this year with its tools, including its own web mapping platform, ESRI ArcGIS JavaScript API.


AmIDueAnUpgrade.com (and variations)

Just had a little idea for a website/web application that allows you to check when you are due to upgrade your mobile phone and a few other things. Something probably exists but here are a few ideas:Enter the details of your mobile phone co...