Phil Leggetter - Realtime Web Technology Evangelist

My name is Phil Leggetter. I'm Head of PLG and DevRel at Hookdeck, an Event Gateway for event-driven applications.

I'm a hands-on Developer Experience, Developer Relations, Developer Marketing, and PLG (Product-Led Growth) Leader and Advisor. I'm currently advising Doc-E and Crosser.

From 2016 to 2020 I had the pleasure of supporting, enabling and growing a Developer Relations and Platform Experience team at Nexmo (acquired by Vonage). We grew a team from 3 people to 42, and the team continues to move from strength to strength following my departure. We built a diverse, collaborative, multi-functional, remote-first team spread from San Francisco to Singapore. A team that:

  • Won the very first “Best Overall Developer Relations Programme Award” in 2018
  • Won 5 awards for documentation across 2018 and 2019
  • Raised awareness in targeted developer communities from 0% to 30%
  • Increased monthly developer blog post traffic by over 1000% and climbing
  • Championed and executed on a new self-serve developer onboarding flow that saw the number of developers that experience our APIs increase by 200%
  • Responsible for a $3.5M budget and $6M+ self-serve revenue. 40%+ of all business revenue ($400M+ in 2020) began as self-serve.
  • …and more

Prior to joining Nexmo, I was Head of Developer Relations at Pusher where I wrote documentation, built SDKs, handled support, met customers, frequently wrote articles, and gave talks on Realtime Web Technologies and general Web technology.

I’m the technical editor of the book Developer Relations - How to build and grow a successful developer program, a contributor to the book HTML5 Hacks, and the co-author of the APress for-beginners title “Realtime Web Apps”.

I live near Dollar, Clackmannanshire in Scotland.

Phil Leggetter

Head of PLG and Developer Relations at Hookdeck