Delivery as a Service and Data as a Service (both DaaS) are definitely going to be big in 2011. Things really kicked off in 2010 with the emergence of companies focusing on real-time data delivery and mobile. We also started to see really exciting services focused on delivering real-time client push notifications to web browsers. I would put Kwwika in both of these categories.
As 2011 continues we might to see some of these companies either partner up or start to tread on each others toes as they look at delivering data to alternative platforms and clients. Ultimately we are going to see services offering real-time communication of any type to any web enabled device using the web as the network.
The following lists aren't 100% comprehensive and as time goes by I'll probably create some pages on my site dedicated to this information.
Here's the list of services I'm aware of and the type of service they offer and technology they use.
- BeaconPush - [Web browser]
- Google Channel API (Python/Java) - Part of Google App Engine - [Web browser]
- DataSift - [Server to server, WebSockets, HTTP Streaming]
- Kwwika - [Web browser, mobile, server to server, Desktop]
- Hookbox - [Web browser]
- Notifo - [Mobile]
- - [Desktop, IM, Email]
- - [Mobile, Desktop, IM, Email, XMPP]
- PubNub - [Web browser, mobile, server to server, Desktop]
- Pusher - [Web browser]
- Superfeedr - [Server to server, PubSubHubbub, WebSockets, HTTP Streaming]
- Twilio - [Mobile]
- Urban Airship - [Moblie]
A quick not of the key technologies behind these types of service:
- Comet (Note: this version by Jacobolus (Jacob Rus) is by far the best description. The current wikipedia description, IMHO, is inaccurate and incomplete and was ruined by Damiens.rf. Damiens.rf even put Greg Wilkins, who contributes to Jetty and Cometd, off contributing to Wikipedia all together.)
- Growl
- HTTP Streaming
- PubSubHubbub
- Webhooks
- WebSockets
Note: I originally wrote this as a comment over on Anil Dash's post on Delivery as a Service but I thought it was good content so it deserved a post of its own.