I've just treated myself to a new laptop and one of the first things I found was that I couldn't access my NAS (Network Attached Storage) with windows explorer using Windows Vista Ultimate. Vista could see the NAS on the network but whenever I tried to access it I would get prompted for a password. However, I have no password set for accessing to the NAS.
= Why won't it work?
So, after a bit of googling I came across a patch that updates a registry setting to allow Vista to navigate to network shares on the Linkstation NAS machine. I downloaded the patch for discontinued Linkstation because that's the model I have. Patches are also available for other Linkstation versions via the Buffalo download page.
It's also worth noting that the best place for Buffalo downloads is the http://www.buffalotech.com/support/downloads/ url and NOT the http://www.buffalo-technology.com/support/downloads/ url. The first of the options seems to have more available; e.g. it has the patch for the Linkstation.